Why Video Content Performs Best

Video content has become an integral part of successful digital marketing, especially on social media. Once considered a side-strategy in diverse marketing plans, brands are now devoting entire marketing teams to develop their video content. What changed? You could say the proof is in the pudding. Video content outperforms all other types of digital content. 

Why does video content perform so well? What makes it shine brighter than images and text?

There are a few reasons. First, in 2018 we saw the emergence of “authenticity” as the most desired trait in a brand. Today’s consumers want to see real, transparent, and human brands with a conscience. Brands that use video can show their customers a more raw and exclusive perspective of who they are. Video is amazing for telling stories, explaining a problem, and demonstrating a solution. A 2019 study reported that consumers prefer lower-quality, realistic videos over highly-edited and top quality ones. To them, the lower quality of video comes off as more authentic and less manipulated by a marketing team. 

Here are some statistics showing the impressive performance of video content:

  • Consumers say they want to see video content 50% more than any other content from brands
  • Saying the word “video” in your email subject line increases the open rate by 19%
  • Landing pages with video increase conversions by 80%

Then, there’s the shareability of video content on social media; it’s the revolutionized word of mouth marketing. 92% of video watchers share the content with their peers. If a brand makes one compelling video that viewers resonate with, it could be shared to thousands or even millions of people. Of course, you shouldn’t create a video with the hopes of it going viral because that would be inauthentic. The point is that doing video content well can lead to an explosion of awareness.

So, what are the most successful types of videos to make?

If you sell a product, demonstration videos are crucial to showing customers how to use it. You should have an easy-to-understand version on your Facebook page as well as your other social profiles. Then, tap into influencer marketing; hire an influencer to do a product demo on their social channels. Next, turn your case studies into video format. These are your success stories that show just how effective your business is at solving a problem. You don’t want to only show a customer giving their testimonial; tell a story. Let the audience get to know the customer and relate to them. Some other effective types of videos are expert interviews, behind the scenes, event promotion, company culture, and vlogs.  

On social media, live videos are the way of the future. Users are already spending three times as much time watching live videos than pre-recorded ones. It can be intimidating to put yourself out there on live video, but you’ll be rewarded with higher engagement and more traffic. Contact us to learn more about video content and how to include it in your social media marketing efforts.