What is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel marketing researches, monitors, and optimizes the entire client journey with your brand. It encompasses the various touchpoints clients encounter from your business, how they interact with them, and how they experience your brand.

For example, suppose you have a law firm that has both a physical location and a website. In that case, omnichannel marketing optimizes how potential clients interact with the physical brand, the online brand, or both.

Your business likely has several marketing channels it uses to garner new clients and close deals. However, by assessing these channels individually, you miss out on how they relate to each other and contribute to the brand’s overall personality and, thus, the overall client experience.

Here, we’ll dive into the benefits of omnichannel marketing and how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

The Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing

First, your clients benefit from your use of omnichannel marketing because the focus is truly on them and their experience. Instead of focusing on the separate platforms used for marketing and how to optimize each, you focus on how your clients like to interact with these platforms and what makes them useful for them.

Secondly, your brand becomes more identifiable to clients. Since you implement consistent and cohesive branding elements across every marketing channel, clients can go from channel to channel (for example, from Instagram to your website) and immediately recognize your brand. This is also useful when clients find your business online and then visit your physical location, for example, because the signage on your storefront matches the digital branding assets they’ve already seen online.

Third, omnichannel marketing allows for gathering more precise and targeted data about your client. You are looking at individual channel data and your client’s overall journey data. It allows you to see how they most frequently interact with your social media page, for example, and how that leads to them interacting with your website. You can track their detailed journey through your marketing and sales funnels.

How to Implement Omnichannel Marketing into Your Plan

If you’re ready to start seeing the benefits of omnichannel marketing, there are a few key steps to take first.

  1. Create Consistent Branding
    Every channel you market on should have the same consistent and identifiable branding. This applies to more than just your logo. Everything from the colours used in your PPC ads to the voice and tone of your website copy to the personality of your website chatbot needs to be streamlined. Clients should be able to recognize your brand immediately on different channels.
  1. Collect and Analyze Data
    Consider every channel your brand currently utilizes, both online and in person. Do you use flyers and physical advertisements, or billboards? Do you pay for Google and social media ads, or do you work with social media influencers? List every way a client could see your brand.Next, collect the data from each of those touchpoints. Which gets the most traffic, leading to second and third touchpoints that directly lead to sales? Gathering this information will help inform where to focus your marketing efforts.
  1. Work with an Experienced Omnichannel Marketing Manager
    Whether you own a law firm, a real estate firm, or another client-based business, you are likely far too busy to be monitoring and optimizing your omnichannel marketing. To fully take advantage of this lucrative strategy, working with an expert is best.


Reach Out to Us Today

Our omnichannel marketing experts can take care of all these steps for you. Contact us today to learn how.